Daily Virgo Horoscope August 03 (03/08)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

August 03


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 10/10

Someone might not be aware of how much theyre cramping your style or invading your space. They might be responding naturally to a need within themselves that involves making your world a more comfortable place, but you might see this as intrusive. This might require more sensitive handling than you believe it will. Feelings are at stake but if someone needs to know that you dont require them to be so attentive, then nows the time to say something.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

A shift can occur in a certain relationship but, for this to happen, you might need to strip away all thats dreamy and focus instead on a much more pragmatic and logical approach. Doing so might feel like a cold way of focusing on a romantic or relationship issue, but something needs to be seen in a grounded and realistic way. This could be whats needed for a solution that has been elusive recently to become clear.


summary virgo weekly

Star 8/10

There are numerous benefits to you this week of adopting a right here, right now attitude. As keen as you might be to ensure something is put in place immediately that will facilitate a happier and brighter tomorrow, something happening in the present needs the most attention. Dont try to hasten a process unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results and progress you wish were more encouraging or visible appear in the far-off distance, its important you trust you are in the throes of a very positive and transformative process.


summary virgo monthly

Star 8/10

More than one area of your world looks set to alter during coming weeks and focus is likely to be given to work and health matters. For some Virgos, a new job opportunity could arise around the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 7th and help you to put a stressful work-related episode to rest. Steps you need to take to improve your lifestyle could become clear, especially where a health matter is concerned. As the month progresses, you could feel inclined to detach yourself from the rest of the world briefly. This is healthy and can prove to be rejuvenating in more than one way.


health virgo daily

Star 9/10

Today\s planetary alignment can make you feel a little slowed down. You may not be comfortable with the way things feel in your head these days. Something is off - and you can\t seem to identify the source. This \"creepy\" feeling needs to be handled with gentle attention. Ground yourself with deep breathing exercises - at a yoga studio or at home - especially close to bedtime. Your sleep can be affected adversely, so take care to exercise enough to make you tired for bedtime.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may find yourself full of hope and good intentions these days. It\s a feeling that you enjoy, and yet you may sense a shadow feeling that isn\t quite as rosy. The question is how far you can bring your hopes and aspirations into reality - how much you are able to actually live your dreams. You need to ground yourself through physical exercise and give your body the opportunity to express \"hope\" and \"joy\" the way it knows how: through good health.


health virgo weekly

Star 8/10

The cosmos provides you with a wonderful opportunity to make your home a much healthier place in which to live. You might want to change the dcor to colors that are more soothing or energizing to you. Arrange the kitchen so it meets your healthy eating requirements. This is also an excellent time to set up a home exercise area if you like. Don\t wait. Do it now!


health virgo monthly

Star 10/10

With a Lunar Eclipse occurring in your health sector on August 7, you may feel its time to change your ways, particularly if youve noticed certain symptoms. This Eclipse could coincide with a radical new approach that involves diet, exercise, and other elements all working together to leave you feeling fit and fabulous. If youve had an issue for some time, you cant expect to be rid of it overnight, so the astrological picture urges patience. In fact, making peace with your situation and yourself can go a long way toward helping you feel better.


love virgo daily

Star 8/10

A sudden event can prove to be a very positive way of moving you in just the right direction. You may have been merrily proceeding along a certain route, when suddenly something spins you round and round, and you are off on a new tangent. Whatever transpires today between you and your partner, be sure that the change will do both your hearts good, and bring you closer together.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

If you have your moments of passion, you don\t often show them, except in the most private of circumstances. You are certainly loath to let them hang out in public. Which is why today people may be embarrassed by your actions. What makes you so uninhibited and bold about letting your feelings show is a sudden lack of concern about what others think. Make the most of it.


love virgo weekly

Star 10/10

Are you looking for someone to explore the world with? Step outside your comfort zone at the start of the week to find the ultimate travel partner. Romance has a good chance of blossoming when youre far from home. The end of the week should come with a caution sign because your love life is hot, hot, hot! You never thought youd have this many passionate possibilities, but dont bother pinching yourself because this is 100 percent real!


love virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Natural conclusions occur during the Aquarius Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse on August 7, but optimism is the result. It isnt time to act now, but positive changes lie ahead. A trying Venus-Jupiter square on August 17 could highlight differences rather than similarities between you and your date, but questioning whether youre meant to be wont lead anywhere positive. Work with the hand youre dealt instead of trading it for a new one. You feel comfortable and content as the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, allowing romance to unfold naturally. Its so much better when you dont feel like youre under pressure to perform.


career virgo daily

Star 9/10

Don\t be too fixed in your approach today. Other people will not be as flexible and as adaptable as they might be under normal circumstances. You need to take a more understanding approach if you want to be successful with your work.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Finally you are receiving the support you need to move forward with an important project. This is a time of new beginnings for you. Things started at this time have wonderful potential to flourish into something quite outstanding. Go for it!


career virgo weekly

Star 8/10

This can be an especially creative time for you. Be clear about your long-term goals. This is a period for research if you think you need to move in a different direction or get more training. Family concerns can be a distraction. Do your best to balance your time and attention. Team building and social contacts to further your career will go well now. Confidently share your ideas.


career virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Youll finish an ongoing assignment in early August, causing you to smile with pride. People are impressed by the profits youve generated. What started as a small project has grown into a full-fledged income stream. By August 7, job recruiters will be beating a path to your door. The opportunity to work behind the scenes for a powerful executive is worth pursuing. Youre highly service oriented. Working to make someones life easier will be very rewarding. Be willing to make a big career shift around August 21. Continuing to carry out the same old routine will be a waste of precious resources.



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