Daily Scorpio Horoscope July 10 (10/07)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

July 10


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 8/10

You have knowledge, wisdom and experience that deserves to be shared with others but there are limits to how effective this will be through words alone. Your audience would love to see you apply your unique creativity to making your point or telling your story. If youre willing to connect with your creative side now, then it will become clear how keen and supportive the recipients of your creation are.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 9/10

To truly capitalize on more than one opportunity presenting itself now, youve had to try and make sense of what has appeared senseless in recent weeks. Hopefully, youre able to spot the logic contained within what has appeared illogical. This clarity might be what has been needed to boost your confidence and move a plan forward in a way it can be done now.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

When we find ourselves caught in a huge crowd all pushing to go one direction, we find the experience to be a daunting if not frightening one. Even if we accept were being pushed the very direction we wanted to go in, we resent the way its being done in an uncontrolled way. This week, you might feel you have no control over a direction youre being pushed toward, even if it is one you wanted to go in. If you can be calm and keep fear at bay, then youll find yourself in a place you wanted to be, even if arriving there wasnt in the comfortable way you had planned!


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

If you have a financial adviser, then arrange a meeting with them because youre blessed with superb cosmic support this month to make shrewd and potentially lucrative investments. Money matters come into focus and numerous ways exist to maximize cash flow. Youll need to be more flexible and accommodating than you feel inclined to be where certain discussions or negotiations are concerned around the 9th. A significant boost to your determination levels around month end brings amazing developments on the work front if youre dissatisfied in your current role or are seeking a new job.


health scorpio daily

Star 7/10

The planets are gently sending you messages that you will benefit from hearing. The current transit is good for hanging out with friends and socializing in general. You are encouraged to gently embrace what you want and need in life - a critical step towards health and happiness. The judgmental side of your nature will also be tempered at this time. You may want to avoid those \"cup of coffee\" chats with friends, opting to go for a walk together instead.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

The attention you give to your body will produce both interior and exterior results. The exterior results are not of great concern to you, though the positive comments you garner will certainly boost your self-esteem! You generally seek an inner harmony that enhances your wellness. Are you informed about matters like organic farming, and what your community does to support such things? Your involvement and contribution to these kinds of issues directly affects your sense of well-being. Think about it.


health scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

There\s a lot of energy in your life now, so try to make use of it. It\s good for working out or any form of endurance training that requires stamina. Use this opportunity to release any anger and other damaging emotions that may be caused by stress. If you exercise vigorously, you\ll feel reborn.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Feeding your nerves continues to be important this month, and it can help you to feel calm even in situations when you might normally be a little anxious. In fact, keeping up this habit can be very important, as you may find it easier to deal with any extra work or matters that demand more of you than usual. Drinking water and avoiding too much caffeine can also allow you to feel more settled. But the need to do regular exercise is perhaps the most important factor, as it will help you channel excess energy while also keeping fit.


love scorpio daily

Star 7/10

There is a very light and warm atmosphere around right now, with the current aspect at play. It is perfect for any parties or lunches, and for entertaining in general, as others are very much interested in making new contacts. If you are looking for love, then you will find that although it may not happen right away, you can certainly make a beginning with someone special.


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

If you had any grand plans for a social outing or a date, then you may have to scale them down substantially. The astral environment is creating one or two obstacles, which means you won\t be able to make the grand entrance you had envisaged. In fact, it would be better if you and your partner (current or prospective) enjoyed a less glamorous evening and enjoyed an intimate meal together instead.


love scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

Is there anyone who can handle your sarcasm at the start of the week? First dates and people who dont know you well probably wont know when youre joking and when you arent, so you might want to tone it down just a bit. Over the weekend it could be devastating to find out an ex is moving on, but looking back wont do you any favors. The future is bright once you start to notice the possibilities.


love scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Words dont always mean what you think they mean during the Mercury/Uranus square on July 4, so always follow up written communication with an actual conversation. Miscommunication and romance dont mix. A favorable Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 wakes you up and lets you see things that others may not, which puts you ahead of your romantic competition. Leave it to you to create openings where there were none! The feminine combination of Venus in Cancer on July 26 adds a hyper-sensitive element to your love life. The emotional ups and down are worth the potential payoff.


career scorpio daily

Star 10/10

You have the ability to work twice as fast as usual. Your tendency may be to sit back, relax, and slack since when you actually do work, you are twice as efficient. Resist this temptation and strive to go above and beyond what is expected of you.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your efforts in the career world will be met with great resistance today unless you are fully prepared and you have all your facts straight. Other people will want solid answers. A hurried, cursory presentation is not going to sell your idea.


career scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

An interest you feel passionately about can help you balance any frustration you may have at work now. This is an especially positive time for anything that allows you to take the lead or work on your feet. For best results, ask the advice of experts. There is always more you can learn. This is a good time to consider your financial situation. Are you saving enough for your retirement?


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Youll receive favorable publicity for a job well done at the start of the month. Dont be surprised if youre featured in a magazine article or professional newsletter around July 9. Thanks to this coverage, several companies will offer you jobs. Theyre looking for someone with your skills. A career change around July 23 is a real possibility. You could snag a prominent position at a glamorous firm. It will be fun to work with high-profile clients with lots of money to spend. Instead of fighting to pinch pennies, youll be able to assemble elaborate packages that are the envy of your competitors.



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