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The archer has helped him defeat 30,000 French miles


The British army takes advantage of the terrain and the elite supply team to overturn the situation before France forces 6 times in the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.

The hundred-year war (1337-1453) is a long and harsh conflict chain between England and France involving territorial claims.

The cannon and the infantry gun are also widely used, because the two sides seek to take advantage of all the advantages to defeat the enemy.

Painting Drawing Battle of Agincourt in 1415. Photo: Musée de l'armée.

The most known Agincourt match in the hundred-year war because he won the resounding in front of the French despite being completely overwhelmed by the enemy.

The Battle of Agincourt takes place on October 25, 1415 near Azincourt, northern France.

Despite entirely overwhelmed with numbers, the British troops combined tactics and outstanding training capabilities to turn the disaster into victory.

French troops are very confident in victory over the British army are much less, so it is very enthusiastic to rush forward.

However, wet autumn weather creates muddy roads on narrow terrain, surrounded by the forest, causing the knights to wear the heavy armor of french bogged and quickly stuck in the mud on the road

This allows British professional archers to take a range of 300 meters and shoot the name in a row.

French soldiers carrying heavy armor extremely struggling to cross the muddy fields, mud filling with their knees make them easy to become the goal for his archers.

In this match, the UK school has shown the peak weapon of the naming technology.

Most soldiers in the European army as a mercenary or farmer, only a few rich people have newly trained and fully equipped with armor weapons.

If you want to train an archer, start from his grandfather, King Edward III once said, mentioning the soldiers to rush unable to meet the archerial training criteria.

Intensive training courses have brought skilles far beyond all architects or crosswalkers of other European nations, which turns him to become a decisive force of the battlefield.

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