Daily Virgo Horoscope June 26 (26/06)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

June 26


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 10/10

Your optimism in a particular area isnt misplaced but could be exaggerated. Dont believe you need to necessarily dilute what has you feeling motivated or inspired. Instead, you need to ensure what youre seeing is being looked at realistically and practically rather than through rose-tinted glasses. Whatever-it-is can be just as motivational and inspiring when seen practically.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your desire to speak nothing but the truth to a certain person could be intense or packing more of a punch than you realize. You might understandably want to make an impact or possibly ensure whats said forms a magical or memorable moment but the recipient of your words could find them overpowering. A gentle and mellow approach will have a much better effect. Try both.


summary virgo weekly

Star 9/10

Help and support are on offer to you this week but neither is likely to involve someone coming to your rescue to ask how they might be of assistance. Its as if the cosmos is giving you clues about how to feel more inspired, creative and motivated. Thats why its important this week to absorb as much as possible that does connect with your inspirational and creative sides. Enlightenment or clarity that comes as result will prove to be of enormous supportive value.


summary virgo monthly

Star 8/10

If recent weeks or months have been uneventful on the social scene, then coming weeks will likely bring an influx of invitations. The volume or frequency could require you to be discerning about which to accept and politely refuse. A Full Moon on the 9th could be intense and highlight a sensitive home or family issue requiring careful handling. If you have a pitch to make or a need to persuade someone in some way, then dont underestimate how persuasive your words will be this month! Whatever you ask for confidently, you look set to attain.


health virgo daily

Star 9/10

This period is all about transformation, something you will be particularly well adapted to do, using the positioning of the planets as a safety net to make the emotional changes you need in your life. Try to separate the chaff from the wheat, so to speak, and concentrate on the relationships that give you sustenance. Likewise, choose to eat what gives you strength rather than what takes away your strength. Getting enough rest is imperative when you are living life to the fullest.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Intensity is not your way, although it might be recommended if you are beginning to feel sick lately. For example, you may want to consider intensifying your consumption of water, something highly recommended at this time. Try making it a habit to drink a couple of glasses of warm water before your morning coffee or tea. To further hydrate and nourish your cells, invest in a juicer and make healthy drinks from fresh fruits and vegetables.


health virgo weekly

Star 10/10

This is a good time to get a massage. You can absorb a lot of healing energy from those you\re close to and the people who love you dearly. It\s said that love is the greatest healer, so do all you can to bring more love into your life. It can only help you.


health virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Deep relaxation could be the key to feeling much better this month. If you have been engaged in a lot of brain work recently, giving your mind a rest can be a healthy restorative. You might find that good quality fish oil and other brain foods can help if you\re suffering from feeling burned out. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for the health of your brain and nervous system, and you might benefit from taking some supplements. Other dietary changes, such as omitting caffeine and drinking more water can also be beneficial.


love virgo daily

Star 10/10

Rather than continuing with the same old routine, why not make time to talk to your loved one and find out how they really are. The current planetary configuration indicates that this is the ideal opportunity to discuss anything and everything that needs sorting out. If you can combine this with an outing to one of your favorite beauty spots, or go for a meal, so much the better.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

Don\t worry too much about how your date will go tonight, because the chances are that with today\s celestial energies, it will all go very well. There is very tender and sweet atmosphere in the air, so that even if you did initially become interested because it might help you further your career, you will actually like them very much anyway. So relax and have a great time.


love virgo weekly

Star 10/10

There\s no room for mediocre at the start of the week, Whatever you do, make sure you do it better than everybody else. Excelling at life will give your crush no choice but to notice you! You strive to balance your love life with your desire to be alone over the weekend, which could be disastrous. Move yourself into the top priority spot, and if there\s time left over, devote some of it to someone else.


love virgo monthly

Star 9/10

On June 4, Mars entering Cancer brings your emotions to the surface, but pushing yourself to be too bold or expressive may backfire. The struggle continues to find balance between logic and passion. With a Sun/Mercury conjunction on June 21, you tend to ignore what\s right in front of your face. Has someone been dropping not so subtle hints of their interest? Open your eyes and look at the possibilities! You have a special gift for seeing past other people\s insecurities during the Mars/Neptune trine on June 25, which is a great dating tool. Give compliments freely and honestly.


career virgo daily

Star 10/10

You will have your fingers in many different pies today and this will lead to great success with regard in your job. Incorporate different ideas from different people and share the success. You can put the pieces together to create a masterpiece.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your overall confidence is strong. You are at a high point with regard to your career so embrace your inner strength. Ideas from someone older and/or more experienced than you are likely to prove extremely valuable today so heed his or her advice.


career virgo weekly

Star 9/10

This can be an intense period. The big challenge will be getting along with others. Get as much done as possible. This is the best time to interview for a job or make connections to improve your situation. You can shine in any setting that brings people together. Stay calm when you feel stressed or frustrated. Anything that falls away now is no longer necessary. Be careful to tell the truth and avoid exaggeration. This is a good time to use technology and learn new skills.


career virgo monthly

Star 7/10

An emotionally draining work situation will come to an end in early June. It will be a relief to finish a demanding project, sever ties with an abusive customer, or transfer to a better department. Divesting yourself of heavy responsibility will cause your creativity to flow freely. Don\t be surprised when brilliant breakthroughs arrive on a regular basis. Who you know will be just as important as what you know during the second half of the month. This is a great time to join a professional organization, union, or work team. Not only will you learn a lot but you\ll also make some influential friends.



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